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Bond Checks, Uniforms & Medical Release Forms, Accident Forms

Medical Release Forms
Similar information was collected at registration however some EMTs will not treat a child without a parent or guardian present without a signed release form.  Although a report can be run and held by the league and coach some EMTs will still not treat.  As a precaution, and hopefully never needed, managers must keep a completed signed copy of the below medical release form with them at all RLL sanctioned Team events.  Parents will complete and provide copy to the manager/coach who must keep with them at every practice and game, etc.

LLI Medical Release Form PDF

Work Bond/Team Duty Bond Collection

As you know this has been a requirement in previous years as your commitment as a parent to support kids and make our Fields, Facilities looking the best they can be so when your kids step out on to that plate or take the field the see fresh lines, groomed dirt, mounds and a safe playing environment.  As part of the Work Bond and Team Duty you will be required to help your team and league out with field duty clean up days which will be scheduled by your team manager once you’re registered child is assigned to a team.   

Bond checks are required for all players families including Managers, Coaches, Board Members and other Volunteers - no one is excused.  The goal is not to have the checks cashed at the end of the season but to get parents to get involved with their child and the league.  If there is a conflict on the work duty day, please contact your manager who will get in touch with the Bond Officer and work out a possible alternative and fulfillment or your duties.  If work duties are not properly met then we will have to cash your check.     

Bond Checks are:  $200
Made out to:  Robbinsville Little League
In Memo write : Duty Bond- name of Player(s), first and last name
ALL Bond Checks are due before the Ratification of Rosters and Team Assignments. 

You have three options to Drop off Payment
1. Mail to Robbinsville Little League (P.O. Box 400, Windsor, New Jersey 08561).
2: Drop off your Bond Check at the Player Evaluations for Softball (TBD) and Baseball
3. Bring your check (in an envelope) to the free winter clinics and give it to the Clinic Director.

IMPORTANT: Only Players that are registered for RLL Free Clinics can use option #3. 

If you have any specific questions or concerns please reach out to Rob Davis, RLL Bond Officer, at [email protected]

Accident Forms
Notification of a claim for an eligible member under the league’s Accident Insurance should be filed with Little League International within 20 days of the incident. Once we receive the complete claim form, the claimant will be assigned a claim number for any information that is submitted for the accident. The claim form should be submitted as soon as possible so we can begin a record of the accident and then the claimant can submit all itemized bills (includes procedure and diagnosis codes) from the medical providers as well as any primary insurance explanation of benefits (if applicable) for any treatments for the accident.

LLI Accident Claim Form

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